2 Best Places to Shop in St. Kitts and Nevis

Eva Wilkin Gallery

Nevis has produced one artist of some international repute, the late Dame Eva Wilkin, who for more than 50 years painted island people, flowers, and landscapes in an evocative art naïf style. Her originals are now quite valuable, but prints are available in some local shops. The Eva Wilkin Gallery occupies her former atelier (hours are extremely irregular; you must call ahead for appointments). If the paintings, drawings, and prints are out of your price range, consider buying the lovely note cards based on her designs; the owners are also promoting promising regional artists and craftspeople.

Clay Ghaut Estate, Nevis, St. Kitts and Nevis

Spencer Cameron Art Gallery

In addition to a wide selection of exceptional work by regional and local artists and artisans, this gallery sells Caribbean island charts and other historical reproductions, as well as owner Rosey Cameron Smith's popular Carnevale clown prints. It also showcases Glass Island's seductively colored, sinuously shaped, art-glass frames, plates, and other items. In addition, one section is devoted to the Potter's House, the atelier of Carla Astaphan, who celebrates her Afro-Caribbean heritage with beautifully glazed ceramics and masks. Another section houses the NOMAD Chic clothing boutique. Rosey's daughter Leah runs a courtyard café that sells scrumptious baked goods. With so much on offer, it's good to know that the gallery ships worldwide.