Air Tours

Helicopter flight-seeing excursions can take you over the West Maui Mountains, Haleakala Crater, or the island of Molokai. This is a beautiful, thrilling way to see the island, and the only way to see some of its most dramatic areas and waterfalls. Tour prices usually include a digital video of your trip so you can relive the experience at home. Prices run from about $210 for a half-hour flight to more than $350 for a 75-minute tour with an ocean or cliffside landing. Discounts may be available online or, if you’re willing to chance it, by calling at the last minute.

Tour operators come under sharp scrutiny for passenger safety and equipment maintenance. Don’t be shy; ask about a company’s safety record, flight paths, age of equipment, and level of operator experience. Generally, though, if it's still in business, it's doing something right.

Air Maui Helicopters. Priding itself on a perfect safety record, Air Maui provides 45- to 75-minute flights covering the waterfalls of the West Maui Mountains, Haleakala Crater, Hana, and the spectacular sea cliffs of Molokai. Prices range from $220 for West Maui/Molokai or Hana/Haleakala tour to $353 for a 75-minute tour with ocean or cliffside landings. Discounts are available online. Charter flights are also available. 1 Kahului Airport Rd. , Hangar 110, Kahului, Hawaii, 96732. 877/238–4942; 808/877–7005;

Blue Hawaiian Helicopters. Since 1985, this company has provided aerial adventures in Hawaii and has been integral in some of the filming Hollywood has done on Maui. Its A-Star and Eco-Star helicopters are air-conditioned and have Bose noise-blocking headsets for all passengers. Flights are 30–120 minutes and cost $220–$589, with considerable discounts online. Charter flights are also available. 1 Lelepio Pl. , Hangar 105, Kahului, Hawaii, 96732. 808/871–8844; 800/745–2583;

Sunshine Helicopters. Take a tour of Maui in Sunshine's FXStar or WhisperStar aircraft. Prices start at $260 for 45 minutes, with discounts available online. First-class seating is available for an additional fee. Sunshine also offers tours that combine helicopter flights with either a horseback ride or submarine adventure. Charter flights can be arranged. A pilot-narrated digital record of your actual flight is available for purchase. Kahului Airport Rd. , Hangar 107, Kahului, Hawaii, 96732. 808/270–3999; 866/501–7738;