1 Best Place to Shop in Los Cabos, Mexico

Fábrica de Vidrio Soplado

Fábrica de Vidrio Soplado. A beautiful glass mosaic over the entrance to Fábrica de Vidrio Soplado (Blown-Glass Factory) welcomes Los Cabos' most famous artisans every day. Founded in 1988 by engineer Sebastian Romo, the factory uses a glassmaking process close to the one first developed in western Asia 4,000 years ago, later refined into glassblowing during the Roman empire. At the factory, 35 artisans produce more than 450 pieces a day from hundreds of pounds of locally recycled glass. Visitors watch while crushed recycled glass is liquefied in gas-fired ovens and, seconds later, transformed into exquisite figures. Secrets for making the thick glassware's deep blues, greens, and reds—the result of special mixtures of metals and gold—are passed from generation to generation. You are sometimes invited to make your own glassware by blowing through a hollow rod to shape a glob of molten glass at the end. The results are usually not impressive, but it's good fun nonetheless. Lazaro Cardenas s/n Edificio Posada, Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur, 23410. Drive toward San José on Av. Cárdenas, which turns into Hwy. 1; the fábrica is 2 blocks northwest of Hwy. 1, near the bypass road to Todos Santos. 624/143–0255. www.glassfactory.com.mx.