Bus Travel

In the south, James Bus Line runs from Belize City via Belmopan to Dangriga and Independence and then Punta Gorda. Schedules are subject to change, but James Bus Line has about 10 buses daily. The buses don't stop in Placencia, they stop across the lagoon in Independence, where you can connect with the Hokey Pokey boat to Placencia Village. Ritchie's Bus Service has four buses daily each way between Dangriga and Placencia, with reduced service on Sunday. BEBB Bus Line has twice-daily service between Placencia and Dangriga, with a stop in Hopkins. Fares on all buses between Placencia and Dangriga are BZ$10. With connections, the trip from Belize City to Dangriga and Hopkins is three to five hours; Placencia is around five to six hours, depending on the number of stops and connections. Buses are usually old U.S. school buses or ancient Greyhound buses, are often crowded, and don't have air-conditioning or restrooms. The James Bus Line buses generally are in the best condition. In Placencia, buses are not supposed to go into the main part of Placencia Village due to traffic congestion and the narrow street, but some do. A temporary bus station is in a vacant parking lot on the east side of the main road at the north end of the Placencia Village. Several charter buses bring workers from nearby villages to Placencia, but they do not pick up other passengers.


BEBB Bus Line. New in 2016, BEBB Bus Line has service between Placencia village and Dangriga, with a stop in Hopkins. Service continues on to Belize City. Fares between Placencia and Dangriga are BZ$10. Flag down the BEBB bus and pay the driver's assistant. Information on schedules is available at the Belize Tourism Industry Association (BTIA) office in Placencia village. BEBB, Placencia Rd., Placencia Village, Stann Creek. .

James Bus Line. James Bus Line is the dominant carrier on the southern route between Belize City and Punta Gorda, with scheduled stops at Belmopan, Dangriga and Independence. Local buses also stop and pick up passengers on demand anywhere on the route. 7 King St., Punta Gorda, Toledo. 702/2049; www.jamesbusline.com.

Ritchie's Bus Service. Ritchie's has four daily round-trip buses between Placencia and Dangriga; on Sunday it has only two buses. Most buses continue on to Belmopan and Belize City. Tickets (BZ$10 between Placencia and Dangriga and BZ$10 between Placencia and Belize City) are sold at the Placencia BTIA office, or flag down the bus and pay conductor. Ritchie's Bus Service, Main Rd., Placencia Village, Stann Creek. 631/7073; www.ritchiesbusservice.com.

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