Fodor's Expert Review Akdeniz Hatay Sofrası

$$$ Western Districts Turkish

Popular with locals, this restaurant specializes in the Arab-influenced cuisine of Hatay (originating near Turkey's border with Syria), which features delicious meze like hummus, baba ghanoush, muhammara (a spread of mashed chile peppers and walnuts), kısır (a spicy version of tabbouleh), and a wide range of uncommon kebabs. The venue's famous "meter kebab" serves several people and requires advance ordering, as does the salt-shell-baked chicken and lamb.

Turkish Lunch Dinner Brunch Dessert $$$

Quick Facts

Ahmediye Cad. 44/A
Istanbul, Istanbul  Turkey


Known For:
  • Lavish weekend breakfast spread
  • Less common regional cuisine
  • Tuzda tavuk, chicken encased in salt and set on fire

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