
Bloody Bay is equally celebrated for fishing and diving, and the flats and shallows including South Hole Sound Lagoon across from Owen Island, Tarpon Lake, and the Charles Bight Rosetta Flats offer phenomenal light-tackle and fly-fishing action: surprisingly large tarpon, small bonefish, and permit (a large fish related to pompano) weighing up to 35 pounds. Superior deep-sea fishing is available right offshore for game fish including blue marlin, dolphin, wahoo, tuna, and barracuda.

MAM's Tours. This reliable company is run by energetic local Maxine McCoy Moore, who comes from fishing royalty of sorts (she, her mum, dad, and five brothers ran McCoy's Diving and Fishing Resort). Deep-sea fishing costs $125 per hour for up to four people; those angling for tarpon and bonefish pay $50 per hour ($75 per couple). Maxine also runs snorkeling trips to Owen Island and will take you conching in season. She's spending more time on Cayman Brac, so call in advance to ensure she'll be on island. 65 Mahogany Bay, Candle Rd., West End, Cayman Brac, KY3-2501. 345/948–0104; 345/917–4582.

Southern Cross Club. This Caribbean chic resort across from Owen Island offers light-tackle and deep-sea fishing trips with a knowledgeable, enthusiastic staff (book in advance, even as a hotel guest). There's even a skiff with a poling tower to spot the more elusive fish. Southern Cross Club, 73 Guy Banks Dr., South Hole Sound, Little Cayman, KY1-2503. 345/948–1099; 800/899–2582;