
Cayman Brac offers superior bonefishing along the shallows off the southwest coast and even finer light-tackle action. The offshore waters mostly compose a marine park, so fishers go out a few hundred feet from the dive buoys, themselves ranging ¼ to ½ mile (½ to 1 km) from shore. The pristine environment teems with wahoo, marlin, and sushi-grade tuna. Most charter-boat operators also run snorkeling trips; a memorable excursion is to Little Cayman Brac, passing several fanciful rock formations.

Robin Walton. This experienced guide has been fishing the waters commercially for years and knows the best times and secret spots where mahimahi, wahoo, marlin, grouper, and tuna hang out. His 21-foot Bayliner Trophy, TLC, is equipped with GPS tracking, he quips, "because I'm lazy." He takes you to truly wonderful sites, since he doesn't like the dive-boat traffic. The maximum is four anglers, though he can fit up to eight comfortably for snorkeling. His rates are also fairly reasonable ($125 per hour) because you subsidize his income with your catch, though he generally allots 50% "or whatever you can manage" to his guests, most of whom cook at their rentals. Stake Bay, Cayman Brac, KY2-2001. 345/948–2382; 345/925–2382.