Customs and Duties

Customs duties are very high in Morocco, and many items are subject to taxes that can total 80%. The following may be imported without duty: 150 ml of perfume, 250 ml of eau de toilette, 1 liter of spirits, 1 bottle of wine, 200 cigarettes or 25 cigars or 250 grams of tobacco. Large electronic items will be taxed if they are found in your luggage. It's always easier to take things in person instead of having them sent and cleared through customs at the post office, where even the smallest items will be taxed.

The importation and exportation of Moroccan dirhams is strictly forbidden and it's not possible to exchange more than 1,000 DH outside Morocco. There is no limit for how much foreign currency you import; however, when leaving Morocco, you are limited to changing back only 50% of the amount you exchanged at the beginning of your vacation. This transaction will be questioned at the Bureau de Change in airports, hotels, and banks, often with the specific demand to see verification of any currency transactions made during your stay. Keep all currency exchange receipts on hand, or you may have more dirhams on hand than you can legally leave the country with.


Government of Morocco Customs Administration. 080/100–7000; Mon.–Thurs., 8:30–4:30.

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